Behind a Thick Glass: Lessons Learned as a Financial Sales Rep

Dulana Hansisi
6 min readJul 1, 2023


Photo by Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash

Life can flow smoothly, but everything can flip around when we get sales targets to hit.

I started my career with Momentum Financial Services in Canada last March 2023. Training which included customer service essentials to writing an installment loan was already giving me a headache whenever I was contemplating how actually it would be to work. I had mixed feelings, to be honest in the beginning.

Sometimes we have to pretend we are confident no matter how we feel inside. A not-so-good product can be sold easily when the pitch is done with confidence at the same time a perfectly fine product can be not so profitable when the pitch is done with poor confidence. A month-long training could give me an understanding of “What needs to be done?” and the procedure. Nevertheless, I suffered in silence when I was actually the person behind the counter. Life as a CSR wasn’t easy as it was anticipated.

However, I survived 3 months. Within two months, I could increase my sales achievements from 66% to 118% and successfully complete my probationary period. In those three months, I couldn’t step on a road paved with rose petals. No matter what, I learned lessons for life, converted customers into friends, and enjoyed my job. So here is my take on what I’m carrying forward in my life that I learned from my job.

  • Keep the energy flowing

Just remind someone who you were/are truly in love with. Your face will change, and you become chirpy and love happens effortlessly. The energy flows naturally. You get to do things someone can’t imagine yet mesmerizing when you recall. At the same time, just imagine you have to force yourself to love someone. Then everything becomes a drama. We have to ‘think and act’ depending on the situation. Forcing something hinders ‘What heart tells?’ Playing a script becomes exhausting in the end.

It doesn’t have to be only the love life. Be it a profession, a friendship, or the ambition of ‘Who you want to become’ , follow your heart, it’ll surplus you with energy and you’ll never doubt yourself and will always love the path.

“Lead by Heart. Manage by Mind” — Robin Sharma

  • Smell ‘So Good’.

I’m a fan of perfumes. Many people have told me the whole lobby smells like me and is so welcoming. A perfume can set up the environment, mood and bring back memories. It can be comforting when used well. The smell of a person leaves remarks in the brain to spark later. I have the habit of using different perfumes for different people. So that they get conditioned to that specific smell and will always remember and miss the smell (And of course me).

Has someone ever told you “I smell like you?”, in a good way? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. 😉

However, know how many sprays you have to put on.

  • Never put your hands in the pocket in front of a Customer

Seeing someone’s hands help to build rapport and gain trust toward the person. I had the habit of putting my hands in my trouser pockets to feel comfortable. My manager ( I consider him as my mentor as well) noticed my demeanor and told me never to do the same if I need to win a deal. Because people buy from the people they like. So to finalize a sale, the customer first has to like the salesman. Impression, be it first or second, matters a lot and can close or open more opportunities.

  • Live under your means

Here is the catch, if you spend more than you earn, you’ll eventually be in a debt cycle you can’t get out of unless you hit a jackpot or rob a bank. Forget about the money. Think about the stress you’ll have to carry on. Bad debt is always something you can stay away but only if you can prioritize what is important.

  • Question. It’s a way to play safe.

Salespeople have targets and their career depends on that. What goes to their stomach depends on how they sell. So don’t get trapped into unnecessary add-ons and at stores, especially extra insurance.

  • Be nice to Customers always. You don’t know who you are serving.

We shouldn’t judge people by their appearance. We don’t know who they are. The customer you are serving or the person you are wishing to have a good morning with can be your next business partner or the manager. It doesn’t cost a penny to smile and be sincere. Smile, be nice, and be genuine. Own a smile that can be remembered as a heart-owned smile.

  • Confidence is the key.

Confidence is one of the toughest muscles to train. It takes a decent amount of time and self-awareness to be conscious about ourselves. I have realized that confidence comes with what we know. The knowledge and the on-hand experience we have are key assets to play the card of Confidence. As a matter of fact, read self-help books, do journaling, and always ask questions to grow from where you are right now. There is always something in you to work on and improve. Focus on the tiny changes to get bigger and better. You’ll be confident sooner or later. Consistency is the mother of mastery.

  • Never try to outsmart your superior.

This is something that hit me so hard. Always help your manager or the superior to achieve his/her career goals. Be always helpful and resourceful. One day, that person will level up in the tier and will take you with them. Winners always give their helping hand. If we try to beat our superiors at work, they’ll consider us as a threat to their career and will definitely follow defense mechanisms towards us which will never be beneficial for your career.

  • Have a lot of patience. Things will fall into place eventually.

What is meant to happen will happen. Whoever is meant to be in your life will stay. Don’t rush. Time will show what desire hides. Be patient and faithful. Everything will happen in your favor. You become what you believe. So let the magic play the game for you.

  • Slow down speaking, hand gestures, and the flow of information.

Have you ever seen charming people? You were charmed but didn’t know exactly what it was right? That’s charisma. It’s the power we posses through our body language. Charisma helps us to win over situations and keep people in a frame where our confidence speaks louder and you already know what will happen when confidence is exuded.

  • Give space

An Instalment loan is one of our prime products. I was set on a KPI to sell a particular number of ISLs. Having that in mind I was executing all my cross sell and upsell skills to sell an ISL to a customer. A customer doesn’t have to take a loan for me to hit the target. I just have to try the application and it’s all up to the customer to accept upon approval. So I tried the App, got approved and yet I was pushing so hard to sell it. What happened? Customer said a flat out “No”. My manager gave me an advice later. “Always give space to think. Let them come. Selling is seducing. If you are constantly trying to win them, they don’t have space to value you” This got instantly tattooed on my mind and I love what I had to learn even in a hard way.

This is applicable well in dating. If we chase the butterfly, it’ll fly away. But if we become a garden, the butterfly will come back. It’s fine even if they don’t come , that means they are not meant for you.

All in all, these lessons are now ingrained in me and I’m seeing the world with a different perception. Everyone we meet has a story to tell and a lesson to teach. So you are. Tell me what you have to teach me and I’ll be the best student.

Until next time !



Dulana Hansisi
Dulana Hansisi

Written by Dulana Hansisi

I’'m searching for my balance between heart and head..

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