Ground rules of a successful career.
All mankind in the world learn things in 2 different ways. Some people trek the past, learn from history and later become job doers. The other set of people learn by experiencing things in their own. They acquire empirical knowledge and later become successful entrepreneurs.
Sometimes people start their own businesses even after doing a job. Because we can accumulate a handsome amount of money by working for someone.
Almost all of us embark our careers by doing a job. It gives us some money to cover up basic needs in the beginning. With the march of time, life becomes more complicated even though you are rich in working experience. Then you need more money. To earn money you have to climb up the career ladder. But being experienced idle doesn’t espouse your goal. You have to make aware of the following checklist which is kept as a secret most of the time if you really need to win over your career.
1) Precaution for probation.
No matter how experienced you are, how powerful your position is, you have to go through a probation period under a supervisor. Please do only what your supervisor says. Probation is not a time to show your colours. Because the supervisor has the power to refrain your career at the company giving a bad comment on your appraisal meeting even though you have toiled away. Supervisor is not incharge of your career but he is incharge of his career. Hence he has the power to eliminate what threats his career. Showing off your colours can make your supervisor afraid of his future.
2) Power play of the job.
As you think, how long will you exist on the job. 5 years? 7 years? If you plan to stay at the company around this figures of years, I pity you. We are in the 21st century. Deluge of jobs are there to be filled in the job market. Keep what I’m going to next is as a brain tattoo.
Spend your 1st year of the job to learn the job role and the technologies. You may be a quick learner but learn as much as possible during the first year of the employment.
Try to be an elite performer during your 2nd year of the employment.
Start finding a new job in the beginning of 3rd year. If you plan to stay for long at a one company in the 21st century, sure you’ll be taken for granted and company will fill your dream job position by recruiting a new employer.
3) Know your rights
Simply don’t let your boss to exploit your life. Don’t let anybody to be an energy vampire of you. People who had smelled the the obnoxious odours in past have flounderd to win most of the rights we have today. Hence it worths being aware of that.
4) Truth behind over time.
You have to work over time because of two reasons.
1) your poor performance
2) company’s fault on breaking down the work.
If it’s your poor performance, admit it first and ask for help. Most of the companies allocate a substantial amount of money for learning and development.
But some people stay at the office for longer hours even without earning a single penny. They gradually make themselves poor performers. Because when we feel that we have more time, we tend to veer off. That’s the human nature. If you truly value your life, do not stay at the office for more than 9 hours. The world outside the office is beautiful. It’s waiting for you to enjoy.
But if you don’t care enjoying life at the moment, find a side hustle. It’ll help you to retire at 30.
Remember, you have the opportunity to live a great life, you deserve the best. So never settle for the mediocrity. Do whatever it takes to build your career. Give a meaning for this one life.