How to sabotage self doubt?
Self doubt. We all have. But some of us have overcome. Self doubt is not a problem with us. It’s something there outside of us and functions alone. But at the point we opt to treat self doubt as ours, the shit happens. It makes us skeptical. It makes us frail. It makes us nervous. And aggravates struggles.
Before we eliminate self doubt, we should be attuned to what self doubt is. Simply, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities/capabilities is known as the self doubt. And how it happens?
We have hundred millions of thoughts in our mind. Who knows where they are started? No one knows. That’s how our mind works. Our mind randomly generates thoughts. It’s like a veritable wellspring. Sometimes totally new thoughts but frequently same old ones. There is no owner for this thoughts. Mostly this thoughts are generated according to the state of mind. Whenever we have to confront something , we are not comfortable or not ready, the bad and ferocious thoughts are generated automatically. That thoughts become dominant if you accept them as yours. But all the time this ferocious ones aren’t real.
Imagine your fears and insecurities are draped by a thin clothing and if that cloth is removed, all the insecurities mix with air and it’s contagious. Then you enter into the room and you breath that air. Your lungs will be filled with that infected air. Meanwhile if your mind permits the infection, you are infected and if not you deny being infected naturally. If you are infected, gradually you tend to show it off by your words and expressions.
When you utter your changed behavior , people will call you poor attitude, nervous, not confident and doesn’t fit to the culture they have.
That’s how insecurities dominate your life and ruins the happiness of you. But still we can do something to get rid of.
Life is counter intuitive. It’s way easy to be sad instead of being happy. It’s much easier to think what we do not have instead of count what we have. Likewise its really easy to think bad about us instead of accepting our true self and move forward.
Since self sabotaging, ferocious self doubt isn’t real, we can get over it. And it’s something easy to do but have to make it a habit. Because life is a practice. We become what we practice each day every day. In fact, understand the acute burden of self doubt and try to alleviate the circumstances.
1) Pep talks.
We talk to people. Sometimes useful things, Sometimes shit. Whenever we talk about ourselves, our mind permits our words as it is and keep it on the pedestal. If you say “I’m hard working”, Your mind embrace you as a hard working guy or a girl. Then your self esteem soars above the ceiling. When you talk all good about yourself, you carve yourself accordingly. You will have yourself as you speak about yourself. But on the flip side, same thing happens if you speak bad about you. Then drastically you’ll become a failure. Everything you do will be failed and you’ll face series of calamities. You will become immobilized.
So take a pen and a paper. Write a sentence like “I’m good at what I do.” This can be anything positive and it can be many sentences too. Always write as you have already achieved it. Don’t write anything with doubt like “Maybe I’m healthy.” Your words should be certain.
2) List down all achievements.
We all have accomplished something throughout out the life so far. And it should be complemented and valued by you. But you won’t value it if you do not recognize it. Pick a free time, and write down your accomplishments one by one. Then read it from the beginning. Now you know that sometimes you have won. And that is something certain about your life because you have won what you have won. So why the next challenge you have to deal with cannot be achieved? Keep updating the list and read it again and again whenever you feel bad about yourself.
3) Quit social media.
I have accounts in Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. But I don’t use them. In this era, your presence in social media impacts good on you and mostly bad on you. I use my social media as a portfolio. Just to show what’s happening in my life over period of time and just to share my work with the society. I can’t remember when is the last time I logged into my Instagram. But whenever I capture something good, I install Instagram on my phone, update the feed and delete the app again. Why I do like this? Because I love photography and I’m into photography. To tell someone that I’m interested in photography, I should have to have an evidence,a portfolio. Not every person checks my Getty images portfolio. So Instagram is way easy to use as a portfolio. Same goes with Facebook. Whenever I write up something, I have to have a medium to share it with you. Not everyone is aware of Medium Network. In case I share my articles on Facebook. Then anyone can easily see my work. But I don’t spend time on scrolling down the feed because it’s useless.
It’s very well known that social media coax people to compare themselves with others which is a gateway to self doubt and the feeling of not good enough.
4) Have time to love yourself.
Self love is really scarce these days. People have misunderstood selfishness as self-love. Simply self love is treating yourself really well and nurturing yourself. For that you should be aware of yourself. We cannot hit a target which we cannot see. Introspection is not outdated. Find who you are now and help yourself to become who you need to become. The way to introspect is writing a journal. There are many ways of journalling. But as a beginner, try to answer following questions.
- Who am I?
- What are my strengths?
- What are the weaknesses I have?
- Why I am living?
- Who I need to become?
- What is happiness for me?
- If today is my last day, what would I do?
I hope I engendered you to think about yourselves again and sabotage self doubt. Wish you all the very best.