Kiss yourself First.
Before you kiss someone else.
Hey ! You ! I’m talking to you. Directly. You are well gifted. You can read this. You can understand what this is and you are curious to continue reading. So humanly. Such a blessing.
No matter how the weather is within you, you have done great things. You have summed up great achievements and even though you have lost a lot, you have grown up with learnings. That is extraordinary. Then, celebrate the life you have had so far.
Let’s do it my way. My or the highway.
Get your hand closer to your lips, spread fingers and kiss in between thumb and the index finger. Go Slowly. Feel your love towards yourself.
This body is the carrier of our unique identities and it helps us to be who we are. It needs to be loved and cared for and we shouldn’t take it for granted ever.
And don’t stop after one kiss. You have You to kiss as much as you want and as long as you want. Love yourself first before you give it to somebody else. Everything starts within.
Why do you seek it outside when you are the only one who can love you in the way you need to be loved.
The practice of kissing yourself will give you the spark that you are endowed and valuable. Continue it. Be a new human being, everyday.
Keep Kissing !!!!