Life At The Stake Of Privacy

Dulana Hansisi
2 min readOct 19, 2021


Yes! It’s still applicable.

Pierre Bamin on

We humans are social creatures. We love to be with others, at least with a few. All of us us, invariably, love to be belonged to someone something. That’s an innate desire. These social groups we are in, influence and compel us towards being a version.

Life before social media is a peculiar. On contrary, the life with social media is way more different but yet identical. The ease of sharing information is a luxury. It syncs up the social group fast and evenly.

The concept of “Stories” brought up by Snapchat but now being widely used on Instagram, is used by 300 million users daily. A social media user spends 2.5 hours on social media daily in average. And there are lot more gigantic numbers on social media statistics.

Knowing this nitty gritty, I’m concerned about the society because of 2 things.

  • The overwhelming majority of mankind has become a puppet of media platform owners.
  • The demarcation between private and personal lives is extremely thin.

It’s apparent that most of the youngsters have lost their patience and empathy towards others. They do not wait to listen to a fellow which is vile and devastating. How this has happened?

Sharing a text, image, video or anything digital is one click away thanking to so called social media. And the feedback received for the shared content is fast and seamless. So the social media users have a speed in their minds which they are accustomed to. Once this speed has become the normal, going slow which is the accurate speed of the world will become a pain and a negative experience. Hence they continue to keep in the loop to be in the speed.

These users will reach a point, the point where they don’t have normal contents to share anymore. Then they’ll start to share more and more personal and private information into social media, making themselves victims to the annihilating virtual world.

Social media is not what we think it is now. “Interacting with friends and family on social media tends to be more meaningful and can be good for our well-being, and that’s time well spent.” is what the kingpin Mark Zuckerberg says. But deep down, we all know the hidden agenda behind all these.

Selling users’ data to marketing companies.



Dulana Hansisi
Dulana Hansisi

Written by Dulana Hansisi

I’'m searching for my balance between heart and head..

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