What my ex girlfriends taught me.
We meet new people. Some of them become our intimates. As humans, we need to be a part of someone. We need to be loved and cared. It is an instinct. But not everyone you care and attached meant to be sustained for your entire life. Because we live in a world where everything is temporary.
Here are my top five lessons what I learnt from ex girlfriends.
1. Know your worth.
Man you are worthy. You are a man. That’s all enough. Know what you have. Know what you are capable. It will sky rocket your self-esteem. And it’s is so sexy.
2. Don’t care too much.
Please don’t take me wrong. I didn’t say you should not care anyone. I just said don’t care too much. Only an assertive person can care others. That’s a super power. But once you exceed the limit, you are done. It will hurt your feelings. That’s for sure.
3. Don’t compare yourself with others.
You are unique. You have what you have and you can always thrive for what you want. And most importantly you have no idea about someone’s life journey. Hence live your life. What meant to be yours will find a way to be yours.
4. Don’t stress over things you cannot control.
You partner is not yours. Keep that in your mind. You can call her “My sweetie, my Princess” or what ever combined with “My”. But still she is not yours. World will call her as your girl friend. But it is just for the recognition purpose. She has her own private and personal life. You don’t need to know everything about her. A girl is a gold mine not a jewelry shop. You have to dig deeper to get the best. Don’t hesitate if you did not find the quest. Because mine is not yours. If you are tired to dig deeper, change the mine you dug, not your effort of digging.
5. Care more about you character than your reputation.
Reputation is what others see on you and Character is what you feel about yourself. World will measure you according to their own scales. But always be loyal to yourself. Be in charge of yourself. Practice lead by heart manage by mind concept. The funeral pyre burns the dead while worry burns the living (Robin Sharma). Find a partner who sees the good side of you and complement on you. Not a person who judges you. Your partner should be your right hand to develop your reputation while you are working on your own character development.